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Signal Box Theemswegtracé


Relaishuis, Rotterdam

In the Rotterdam port area, the Harbor Railway Line was relocated. The new Theemswegtracé is part of the Betuweroute, connecting the main port of Rotterdam to the hinterland by rail. We were commissioned to supply 380 m² of Steni Vision Custom for the Relaishuis, a switching station on the new route. Our partner, M2uur bv, was responsible for creating digitally processed files to realize the final print.

Dunes and Sand Drifts

The originally provided material did not meet the minimum technical requirements. In response, M2uur bv, along with photographer Martijn Bronswijk, decided to capture a new image. They ventured deep into the Maasvlakte to capture the artificial dunes and sand drifts in a panoramic photo. For this, they used a robotic camera arm, a so-called Giga-pan, and a technical camera.

Seamless Design

In M2uur bv's layout studio, the dozens of separate photographic images were melded into one seamless design. Retouching was done to fix minor imperfections and disturbances. The result is a 54 x 7 m large image with a resolution of 72 dpi. The files were technically prepared for reproduction on Steni Vision facade panels. These are colorfast, weather-resistant, made durable, and relatively easy to install.


The green, natural panorama contrasts in an engaging way with the urban environment, the concrete, and the clean lines of the railway located above the Relaishuis.


Contractor: J. Boonzaaijer Aannemingsbedrijf

Design: M2uur bv

Photos: Martijn Bronswijk

We were able to supply 380 m² of Steni Vision Custom in both flat panels and L-elements for the corners of the building.